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An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public. 

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                                              IS A ONLINE LIBRARY OF OVER 70,000 FREE                                                                                                    EBOOKS

Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks,    download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.


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A free virtual library resource center for educators 
and students, librarians and their patrons, families,
businesses and just about anyone exploring the Web for valuable research information. Sites featured on are hand-selected and reviewed by our editorial team for their exceptional quality, content and utility.

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                                           Is a reference and learning site, combining                                                 the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with facts. Our editors update and regularly refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable information.

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Is a SaaS (Software as a Service) based smart 
Integrated Library System (ILS) that is deployed on
the Cloud
. OPAC is built on each Librarika
libraries with easy to manage functionalities. As part of smart data handling technique, Librarika automatically collects cover photos and other biblio information from some renowned sources around the world. Our plan is simple and it is to make biblio data creation as easy as possible for librarians or library officials.


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